Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Can you see it? Their faces have been hidden to protect their friends and family from public humiliation. But you can see the anguish. It's palpable. Last night they were brothers in pain, as card after card, flop after flop hit them, teased them, then ultimately destroyed them. Eventually they were sent packing, each having contributed a princely sum to those who remained, allowing us to divide the spoils amongst ourselves-the tight players along with JD, who is fueled by the souls of the damned and cannot be stopped.

For one there may be no hope. As each 40:1 possibility misses him, the cries of, "If only a *insert card here* had come I would have *screwed/fucked/raped* you" becomes more strident and hysterical. Each time he raises his voice to curse the fates that drop a king on the river destroying his hand and bankroll piece by piece, he forgets the crap he's played which has hit for him. It becomes ancient history, replaced by a long litany of pain and frustration. Only time can heal these wounds - time and next month's paycheck.

For the other there is hope and it is within his grasp to change his lowly lot. He has only to give himself over to a higher power, renounce the bitterness and anger that dwells in his heart and beg forgiveness, plead that his miserable life might be changed so that he can play well again, see an end to the endless river cards that crush him under their weight, cease the futility and bounce back from the abyss. He's waiting for you, just invite him into your life, ask forgiveness, fall on your knees and let him into your heart. Only he can save you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


There can be little doubt about the influence that Patrick has on the table. I would like to thank JD and my son Nicholas for providing me with such an effective weapon. I am just so glad that Patrick is on my side. Tom and Justin your Blasphemy and insults toward Patrick have obviously been noticed. You should both repent and beg for forgiveness.


11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Repent my butt! I have to say, this was one funny write-up. lmao. I also have to give props to the author since losing to him doesn't seem to raise my blood pressure. For some reason, he plays the cards according to the bets and situations and doesn't go out on a limb with the 1/65 chance of scoring that marathon runner. On Thursday, however, everybody will meet Ahkmed who has powers beyond belief! ;-)

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also have to say that my hairline is running away from my face faster than a Kenyan from a lion. Good god. Is baldness contagious? ;-)

9:02 AM  

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