Tuesday, February 22, 2005

That'll never happen department

Repeal tax cuts for millionaires? Naw

"HERE'S A MODEST tax proposal for President Bush: Cancel two tax-cut provisions that haven't yet taken effect. These tax cuts weren't part of Mr. Bush's original tax proposal but were inserted into his 2001 tax package. They begin to phase in next year unless Congress acts. And 97 percent of the cuts will go to the 4 percent of U.S. households with incomes greater than $200,000; more than half to the 0.2 percent of households with annual incomes of more than $1 million. During the first 10 years they are fully in effect, they will reduce government tax revenue by close to $200 billion, including interest, and possibly much more if, as the administration has promised, there are adjustments to the alternative minimum tax (which would otherwise recapture some of taxpayers' savings from these breaks)."


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