Wednesday, February 16, 2005

This whole Michael Ross thing

If you don't live in Connecticut you'll have no idea who he is and it's best you don't. The long and the short of it is he's a confessed and convicted multiple-murderer. Now in other states the story would have ended there but Connecticut has a death penalty which is rarely enforced (the last one was 45 years ago). Rather than letting him rot in jail the rest of his natural life he was given the death penalty. So months later we're still hearing appeals, the victim's families have to hear about it over and over again, proponents and opponents of the death penalty are lining up-the whole thing has turned into a zoo. Now the case is costing untold millions in legal fees and state resources as they argue back and forth. Anyone who thinks it's cheaper to execute hasn't done the math. If they'd dumped him in jail right at the end of trial there would at least have been some form of closure for the families, rather than this drawn out agony.


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