Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Okay, does anyone else see a problem?

Bush Barnstorms for Social Security Fix

I've included a link to the article so you can read it yourself. I don't want to leave the impression that I'm selecting bits and pieces to make a point while stripping things of context.

This is what I find interesting, from the article

"President Bush is barnstorming the country, trying to convince the public that Social Security needs an urgent overhaul and offering a solution even the White House acknowledges won't fix the retirement system's future financial problems."

So right there, they know that what they're proposing won't fix the issue. We've also heard that the system as it stands will go on until 2042. We know that the US is embroiled in two conflicts overseas and that this is the first president in history to lower taxes while engaged in a war (let alone two).

Now then, there's this:

"On the eve of his trip, the Democratic National Committee called on the president to release the details of his Social Security proposal."

Seems reasonable, they'd like some details on what is being proposed. The answer is interesting:

"But the White House has said the aim now is to sell Americans on the idea there is a problem, in hopes that they will, in turn, put pressure on their representatives in Washington to enact the president's plan. Bush aides say the time for the legislative nitty-gritty of writing bills and negotiating with lawmakers will come after this intense public relations phase."

So as I understand it, the White House wants Americans to put pressure on their reps to support a plan that has not been outlined and has no details. And the 'nitty-gritty' issues are the actual details of the plan that we don't know about and Bush doesn't know about. Well, seeing as he's built our trust with the whole Iraq/WMD thing, I see no reason to look too critically at all this. Full steam ahead!


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