Friday, March 18, 2005

Thursday Night Poker follies

Well another evening of poker has come and gone. Last night proved what I think is a truism; "It is better to catch cards at the end of the night than at the beginning".

I treaded water for a while but was badly beaten on a few hands, usually with top pair and good to great kicker going down to a sneaky two-pair. Shit happens. Still, I managed to avoid buying in until much later in the evening despite the bad beats. At one point my hand count ran badly in the negative, down almost seven to two, but eventually evened up by evening's end with 18 hands played (that's on the high side for me), nine for, nine against. I did seem to catch a fair amount of paint during the evening but it didn't pay off until quite late.

Fortunately for me the hands that I did win featured larger pots than those I lost. A few seconds of hesitation convinced KK that I'd tripped up in one hand (I think I had bottom pair). The hand that really turned things around was against JL. The details are hazy but I believe I was BB and raised with AQ pre-flop (although I'm not sure if that's the case, I may have just played it from there). The flop came down A-Q-X, giving me two pair and pairing his Q-10. I bet out $3 I think and he called, there might have been one caller behind us but I don't think that was the case. Another Q peeled off on the turn, boating me and giving him trips. I was a afraid that if I bet too big I would scare him off so I did my best Brando and hesitated a bit then bet out $2. I should have known he was pleased since he'd already moved a stack of reds out of his tray and he was itching to throw them in. He immediately raised me $4 (he wanted to go $8 but was told that wasn't allowed, I would have made an exception for him for this hand though) and I re-raised him $4. The river was a blank and I bet out $4, he called and that was all she wrote. I ended the evening up $61 and put myself further into the black. Not bad for an evening that started out poorly.


Blogger Mr. Hand said...

Ivan will get no such sympathy from me. Most of the money he had was taken from me.

I actually rushed for a while in the hands I was in. I won about five in a row (not that I played five in a row) and that's what brought me back up. That also evened up the night at the .500 mark.

4:38 PM  

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