Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Monday Night Poker

Well that which goes up must come down. After a nice five week run I became impatient and sloppy last night and dropped $55 at the table. There were still positives to be taken from it but in the end the bankroll suffered. The proportion of winning hands to losing hands was almost exactly reversed from the previous week. On the plus side, even with the reversal, I only lost half as much as I'd won with the reversed ratio so I was taking in larger pots when I won than when I lost.

There were a few hands which hurt my bankroll significantly. I didn't play any more hands than I normally do, but was more obstinate about staying in when hands that I did have failed to hit. I then kept throwing money in, hoping to get that one card that would make my hand, almost always dumb. I also stayed around with high cards when the flop was clearly not in my favor. I can only surmise that I was on tilt from the previous week and expected to continue with the same run, no matter what the circumstances. Had I played smarter I probably could have finished even. The cards were not hitting for me, and of the few pots I did take down I had to bluff at most to get people out of them, one of the benefits of having a rep as a tight player at the table I guess. We'll have to see what the next round holds.


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